SIGnature Recruiting was founded in 2010 with the goal of helping exceptional people find short-term contracts and long-term careers in Vancouver’s flourishing IT industry.
It wasn’t long after their founding that a fellow recruiting firm recommended Rise People to them. SIGnature Recruiting began using Rise for their payroll needs in 2012. Since then, they have been early adopters of many of Rise’s features, such as HR and group health benefits.
Rupinder Gill, co-founder of SIGnature Recruiting, notes how the ability to manage everything (benefits, HR, and payroll) in-house is fantastic and works very well for the way they work.
Rupinder comments how, in the past, working with health insurance brokers was “purely on an as-needed basis,” in that every time they had a question or request, they would have to reach out and wait for someone to get back to them.
“We’d never go back to what we had,” Rupinder remarks. “We have a lot more control over what’s happening now, a lot more insight into our benefits with the Rise platform.”
As for the switch to Rise Health group benefits, Rupinder recalls it was “very smooth and very straightforward”. In particular, both Rupinder and office manager Alannah Korf were quick to highlight the stellar service they’ve received from the Rise benefits team. “Support has been so great. Everyone was extremely, extremely helpful and super fast with responses. The team is very detail-oriented,” continues Alannah.
Another issue that SIGnature Recruiting experienced with their previous benefits provider was (overly) long wait times for a claim to process.
Alannah mentions that “with other health benefit providers, I've waited weeks, sometimes months, to make sure a claim has gone through. So it's great to see how quick the process is with Rise Health”.
Rupinder adds: “I feel it's a very modern way of looking at a very, I would say, a traditional industry. We love using Rise. When I’m at a networking event, I always recommend Rise Payroll to anybody who asks me about payroll. And now I mention Rise Health too. The system and experience have both been very good”.
The SIGnature Recruiting team looks forward to continuing to use the many features of the platform—and any new ones, too.
SIGnature Recruiting previously tracked time off manually. Alannah dealt with a number of employees coming directly to her to ask how much time off they had. “I think it was open to too much human error,” remarks Alannah. “What I really like about the Rise time off is it's so simplified and it's broken down very well. So not only will that help myself, but that will help our bookkeeper and help the employees know how much time off they have,” she continues.
“[The Rise platform is] absolutely fantastic… Once you switch to an all-in-one, it just makes sense. It's such a no-brainer. We've seen a huge benefit of that and it’s enhanced everybody's experience as well and just made life so much easier for administrators,” Rupinder summarizes.
See how our people management solutions could help you and your team. Book a personalized demo of Rise today.